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Advanced Biomedical Materials CDT

Social responsibility

Engaging our students in outreach, widening participation, and equality, diversity and inclusion activities is an essential part of our programme.

Social responsibility has played a key role in the direction of our CDT and is a important focus for the programme. 

All of our students start their PhD with a 12-week taught unit on Responsible Research and Innovation, we take an integrated approach to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) for both staff and students involved in the programme, and we have a dedicated outreach committee focusing on public engagement with our research and widening participation in STEM higher education.

Find out more about what we are doing and how you can get involved:

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Equality, diversity and inclusion is at the heart of what we do. We want our Centre for Doctoral Training to stand out from other postgraduate research programmes and one of the many ways we’re doing this is by embedding the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) throughout the entire postgraduate research lifecycle. Our work here will ensure that our graduates develop into socially responsible citizens making society a better place for all.

Our CDT has its very own EDI Committee and it is expected that student representatives will participate fully in it when it meets (at least) twice per year to review EDI strategy. We want our student representatives to join us in helping build the kind of research environment that you the student would like to see. Dr Tom Shearer currently chairs this Committee which has the following remit:

  • (The EDI Committee) will adopt an active leadership role in the workings of the CDT.
  • Identify and address challenges relevant to the topics and communities related to the CDT (academic and sectoral as necessary) with defined progress indicators.
  • Improve the EDI culture and associated practices (adapting strategies if necessary), taking account of long-term challenges and wider associated culture change.
  • Support diverse recruitment and flexible support of staff and students with a range of backgrounds and personal circumstances and integrate this into the CDT’s management and monitoring plans as well as organisational policies.
  • Specifically, address and action responsible research across the board.
  • Provide students with skills to progress their careers and research.

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is about anticipating and assessing potential implications and societal expectations with regard to research and innovation.

Its aim is to foster the design of inclusive and sustainable research and innovation.

Drawing on the EPSRC’s 'AREA' framework: Anticipate, Reflect, Engage, Act, our teaching covers the impact of research on others through the actions and decisions of researchers, whilst questioning how researchers take account of potential consequences.

Students on the CDT programme take a 12-week taught unit at the start of their PhD exploring some key topics related to RRI and learning how to relate these to their projects in Advanced Biomedical Materials.

Following this training our CDT students act as ambassadors within their research groups and labs, embedding ideas and leading projects around sustainability, EDI, and public engagement among others.


Engaging our students in outreach and widening participation activities is an essential part of our programme.

We believe outreach activities focusing on schoolchildren and the general public not only benefits those we engage with, but also has an incredibly positive effect on our students too.

Our work improves the communication skills and the confidence of our students, as they learn to tailor activities and materials to suit varied audiences.

Types of activities

Students will have the opportunity to develop and participate in numerous outreach activities including:


  • Bluedot Festival
  • British Science Week
  • Community Festival (organised by the University's Office of Social Responsibility)
  • Royce Materials Summer School (with high school children)
  • Science Spectacular (part of Manchester Science festival)
  • ScienceX (non-traditional audiences via the Trafford Centre shopping complex) 


  • British Science Week
  • Discovery Night (public and school children)
  • Engineering Imaginarium (engineering-focused public engagement)
  • Festival of the Mind (academic staff and experts from Sheffield's cultural and creative industries)
  • Researchers' Night

Find out more about the outreach activities that we take part in on our YouTube channel.

Students on outreach

Hear Advanced Biomedical Materials CDT student Dominic Williams talk about the joys of outreach.